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Lovely! Reminds me of drawing pictures on a steamed glass when riding long trains with your headphones...making a little game in your head to pass the time. The glowy trail effect is super gentle and pleasing ~

Thanks so much!

As other commenters have mentioned, the atmosphere that this game captures is immaculate. The soundtrack is a total bop, and it's just so satisfying to move the cursor around the screen and draw things with the particle trail it leaves behind.

Thanks for the comment!

you create such a wonderful aesthetic man

i'm gonna say tho that I think the game's mechanic (completing the flowers by jumping around?) is a bit too obscured and once I figured it out near the end I just started shaking my mouse around frenetically til I completed it which I don't think was your intention

also what's the music? :)

(2 edits)

Yes...I'm actually using mouse acceleration to measure the "hit" timing so you may need to jump with your mouse very coherently and quickly. But for some reason, this game might start lagging at some places(mostly after the flower occurs) and It just made it painful to capture the right input timing...

BTW the music is from Hi-Posi, the first one is Ato Nannichi, and the second one is 身体と歌だけの関系(ダンベック・ミックス).

It's a game that easily engrosses players, and the choice of music is very fitting. The scenery outside the window comes and goes swiftly, making one's gaze want to capture it, yet it can't keep up, harmonizing well with the mouse's tail effect. After a long time of chasing the scenery with your eyes, when tired, you can rest by watching your own mouse trail for a while. This alternating experience, aided by the music, prevents one from feeling bored.

Good point bro!